GovWallet (Factsheet)
Factsheet – GovWallet
2 Mar 2022
GovWallet is an e-wallet feature that Government agencies can use to disburse monies and credits to citizens in a secure and convenient way. GovWallet can be integrated with mobile apps such as LifeSG app, and the monies and credits can then be used at 164,000 registered merchants by scanning an SGQR code with PayNow. GovWallet can also be integrated with ATMs to facilitate cash disbursement to the unbanked.
Benefits of GovWallet
For citizens, GovWallet improves the user experience significantly by digitalising the process of collecting physical vouchers or redeeming credits from Government schemes. What used to take multiple steps and even a visit to a service touchpoint can now be done anytime, anywhere. GovWallet also improves inclusion because even people without bank accounts can view and utilise their government payouts via apps like LifeSG.
For merchants, GovWallet is convenient and seamless. Payments are made to them using the PayNow e-payments infrastructure, which means that fund transfers are instant. Many merchants are already onboard PayNow and no additional sign up is required.
For Government agencies, GovWallet makes it easy to design Government credits and voucher schemes that are more targeted. Government agencies are able to specify the list of merchants that qualify for each scheme, such as if they want the credits or vouchers to be spent at heartland shops or at merchants that meet healthy lifestyle standards.
The Development of GovWallet
GovWallet started off as an internal pilot project in GovTech when the team was looking for a way to credit staff benefits. Since then, it has received interest from many organisations to be used in household and social assistance programmes, sector-specific relief programmes, and even staff recognition programmes.
GovWallet can be easily integrated with existing government mobile apps, such as LifeSG, Singpass, and Healthy 365 (Health Promotion Board). Currently, MINDEF is using GovWallet to disburse the NS recognition benefits for 35,000 NS men through the LifeSG app.
Another collaboration is the creation of GovCash with the Central Provident Fund Board (CPFB) to administer the Workface Income Supplement scheme. This replaces cheque issuance to more than 6,200 Workfare recipients. Unbanked citizens can withdraw their payouts from ATMs that have been integrated with GovWallet, or spend their payouts via the LifeSG app. GovCash has been rolled out since November 2021.
What’s next?
To provide even more spending options for citizens, the GovWallet team is looking to tap on the NETs payment ecosystem which has over 120,000 acceptance points across 42,000 merchants in Singapore.
Annex A: Screenshot of the GovWallet feature

For media enquiries, please contact:
(Ms) Elizabeth Lee
Communications & Marketing Group
Government Technology Agency
Tel: 6977 5008
(Ms) Joyce Lee
Communications & Marketing Group
Government Technology Agency
Tel: 9692 0909